Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Shitty Clean-up

I am sensing a shift in ManChild's season. Going out from depression and moving into mania. ugg
This is why I say this. 

 ManChild and his mom are seriously

We remodeled our downstairs bedroom and bathroom to accomodate ManChild's mom.

I went into her bathroom to clean it when I smelled shit! Now I have a good nose so it wasn't hard to locate.
 I turned around to find this dirty hand towel by the sink filled with SHIT. Yuk!

Now you have to understand something here. You see, to them, it's not a big deal. Perhaps it is the British in me, but since that bathroom is also the guest bathroom, having a shitty handtowel near the vanity is disgusting.

I also see toothpaste spit that dribbled down the dark wood vanity. (again not a big deal to them)

So I point out the dribble to ManChild and what does he do... He grabs that shitty towel and begins to wipe the dribble off with the DIRTY SHIT TOWEL and he doesn't think anything of it!!! 

And then tries to turn it around and says to me... you seem really stressed out lately... maybe you need a vacation or something.

You think??  Geez... I wonder why!!!

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