Monday, March 25, 2019


Wow! First off... I hadn't realized it had been soooo long since my last blog.  I guess that could be a good thing... right?  There have been some changes to my household which has kept me busy.

First, I had to have some surgery which pretty much forced me to retire.
   Image result for cartoon hospital recovery      Image result for retired crown
After I recovered enough to travel, we took a trip to Japan where both our sons were stationed. That was a really great trip for us both. It was fall so ManChild was taking his meds and it was just a really great trip.
                                  Image result for japan
Then we moved ManChild's 99-year-old mom in with us as she could no longer care for herself (you think!)lol It was long overdue and that was almost 2-years ago.

I've been home to take care of both of them, plus our pets who are also getting up there in age. Which we found out is working out nicely for mom because my kitty-cat is the same age so they became best friends. Mom provides a nice warm lap to curl up on and doesn't move much...and mom loves the company of the kitty.
                           Image result for kitty curled up in a lap of an old lady

The other big change is my manchild has finally realized or simply just agreed to finally stay on his meds! Yay! This has made a tremendous change in our home, although, I am still fearful that it could change anyday. I just try to live each day as it comes and try not to worry so much about it.
                            Image result for cartoon prescription medication                                             
The other interesting fact we found out is ... I was always told that bipolar is a genetic illness and since moving mom in ... well ...It didn't take long to find out which apple fell from which tree!
                               Image result for apple falling from tree cartoon
Especially when mom began to have hallucinations so the doc put her on meds for bipolar and just like that... no more halucinations!
Interesting yet scary at the same time because I am afraid that it is revealing what I am in for with ManChild!
                            Image result for yikes face emoji
                     One day at a time!!!

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