Monday, March 25, 2019


So I was cooking dinner and ManChild asks me "so what are you cooking?"
                          Image result for cooking dinner
I tell him that I am fixing a roast for supper.

The day goes on and ManChild goes and does some errands, then to the gym, then comes home.

The roast is done and I am preparing the side dishes that go with it.
                                 Image result for cooking dinner
Does ManChild ask when dinner is ready? Does he ask if its ready? Nope!

Instead he goes into the refrigerator and helps himself to leftovers.
                             Image result for leftovers
He even asks me if I want some! "Now why would I want some when the dinner I prepared is just about ready", I ask?

ManChild says, "well I didn't know."

Me, "Did you ask?"

ManChild, "no, I didn't ask."

Me, "it's called communication, all you had to do is ask before you helped yourself. In fact, I think its rather rude of you to eat leftovers knowing full and well that I have dinner just about ready."

That pretty much left the narcissist speechless as he continued to do what he wanted to do.
                              Image result for narcissist

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