Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Bipolar vs Narcissism

Bipolar involves cycling between manic and depressive episodes.

Narcissism is a personality trait that involves feelings of self-importance, grandiosty, and a need for respect and validation.

Although Narcissism is not a symptom of bipolar, some people with bipolar may display narcissistic traits as a result of their other symptoms.

Such as, the narcissist will do anything to protect their secret from you. 

They might lie about it, divert your attention with another story, or project their secret onto you.

They will use all type of abuse to dominate, such as; verbal intimidation, fear or guilt tactics, the silent treatment, withholding or exploiting the finances, increased sexual needs either forced or coerced, isolation from the family, legalism, and even physical harm.

The narcissist fears that if their secret is discovered, then they will be embarrassed or humiliated. This is the worst thing they can imagine...others thinking less of them.

Deep down all narcissists have an overwhelming feeling of insecurity such as a need for love, acceptance, safety, respect, or basic fundamentals. 

The link between Bipolar and Narcissism

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not list narcissism as a symptom of bipolar disorder. However, when a person with bipolar experiences an episode of mania, they may display some narcissistic behaviors, such as high levels of confidence, feelings of self-importance, elevated energy levels, and grandiose self-perceptions.
During periods of depression, a person with a bipolar disorder might also display narcissistic characteristics. For example, a person might neglect caring duties, avoid social contact, or appear insensitive to the needs of others.
This might seem to be narcissistic, but it is more likely that the person is so overwhelmed by their own negative emotions that they may not notice others people's feelings.


The symptoms of bipolar disorders and narcissism are different in the following ways:
Bipolar disorders
People with bipolar disorders experience intense mood swings that last for a period of time. Mania must last at least 7 days or less if the symptoms are so severe that hospitalization is required. To receive a diagnosis for the major depressive episode, a person must exhibit the symptoms of depression for at least 2 weeks.
A person with bipolar I disorder may only have manic symptoms.
These mood swings that people with bipolar experience occur independently of other life circumstances that can cause high and low moods. Also, these fluctuations are more pronounced than the mood swings most people experience.
Symptoms of bipolar disorders include:
  • Manic or hypomanic episodes: periods of a highly inflated mood that may include high self-esteem, increased sense of self-worth, entitlement, high energy, gradiose success or fantasies, little sleep, little empathy, arrogant, or aggression.
  • Depressive episodes: periods of a depressed mood that may cause intense sadness, guilt, shame, excessive sleep, low energy, and hopelessness.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
To be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, a person must display narcissism that significantly interferes with their relationships or functioning.
Symptoms of NPD include:
  • an exaggerated sense of self-worth or importance that may cause the person to disregard the feelings or needs of others
  • fantasies of grandiose success or power
  • a belief that one is special or unique, or should only associate with unique or special people
  • a sense of entitlement
  • low empathy
  • arrogant behavior
  • taking advantage of others to achieve one's goals
  • a sense of entitlement


Narcissistic personality disorder and bipolar disorders can be frustrating both for the people they affect and for those who love them.
What looks like narcissism in a person with bipolar might be something else. Likewise, people with narcissistic personality disorder might be incorrectly diagnosed with bipolar.
Narcissistic traits that can come with bipolar disorders are not a choice. Narcissism is a personality trait. Bipolar disorders are treatable medical conditions.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Shitty Clean-up

I am sensing a shift in ManChild's season. Going out from depression and moving into mania. ugg
This is why I say this. 

 ManChild and his mom are seriously

We remodeled our downstairs bedroom and bathroom to accomodate ManChild's mom.

I went into her bathroom to clean it when I smelled shit! Now I have a good nose so it wasn't hard to locate.
 I turned around to find this dirty hand towel by the sink filled with SHIT. Yuk!

Now you have to understand something here. You see, to them, it's not a big deal. Perhaps it is the British in me, but since that bathroom is also the guest bathroom, having a shitty handtowel near the vanity is disgusting.

I also see toothpaste spit that dribbled down the dark wood vanity. (again not a big deal to them)

So I point out the dribble to ManChild and what does he do... He grabs that shitty towel and begins to wipe the dribble off with the DIRTY SHIT TOWEL and he doesn't think anything of it!!! 

And then tries to turn it around and says to me... you seem really stressed out lately... maybe you need a vacation or something.

You think??  Geez... I wonder why!!!


So, this morning as I reach up in the cupboard for my coffee

I find two pieces of tape hanging off the bottom of the cupboard. (ironically I couldn't find an image online to showcase this)

I ask ManChild, "can you explain this please?"

He said, "oh it came off the coffee bag so I put it there in case we might need it for something else."

"Like what", I ask?

He said, "I don't know, you know me, I just hate to waste things."

"Really", I say... "its tape and it has a the garbage!"


Is there really anyone else out there who does such things, like hanging on to garbarge for no good reason other than feeling its a waste to toss out?

Monday, March 25, 2019


So I was cooking dinner and ManChild asks me "so what are you cooking?"
                          Image result for cooking dinner
I tell him that I am fixing a roast for supper.

The day goes on and ManChild goes and does some errands, then to the gym, then comes home.

The roast is done and I am preparing the side dishes that go with it.
                                 Image result for cooking dinner
Does ManChild ask when dinner is ready? Does he ask if its ready? Nope!

Instead he goes into the refrigerator and helps himself to leftovers.
                             Image result for leftovers
He even asks me if I want some! "Now why would I want some when the dinner I prepared is just about ready", I ask?

ManChild says, "well I didn't know."

Me, "Did you ask?"

ManChild, "no, I didn't ask."

Me, "it's called communication, all you had to do is ask before you helped yourself. In fact, I think its rather rude of you to eat leftovers knowing full and well that I have dinner just about ready."

That pretty much left the narcissist speechless as he continued to do what he wanted to do.
                              Image result for narcissist


Wow! First off... I hadn't realized it had been soooo long since my last blog.  I guess that could be a good thing... right?  There have been some changes to my household which has kept me busy.

First, I had to have some surgery which pretty much forced me to retire.
   Image result for cartoon hospital recovery      Image result for retired crown
After I recovered enough to travel, we took a trip to Japan where both our sons were stationed. That was a really great trip for us both. It was fall so ManChild was taking his meds and it was just a really great trip.
                                  Image result for japan
Then we moved ManChild's 99-year-old mom in with us as she could no longer care for herself (you think!)lol It was long overdue and that was almost 2-years ago.

I've been home to take care of both of them, plus our pets who are also getting up there in age. Which we found out is working out nicely for mom because my kitty-cat is the same age so they became best friends. Mom provides a nice warm lap to curl up on and doesn't move much...and mom loves the company of the kitty.
                           Image result for kitty curled up in a lap of an old lady

The other big change is my manchild has finally realized or simply just agreed to finally stay on his meds! Yay! This has made a tremendous change in our home, although, I am still fearful that it could change anyday. I just try to live each day as it comes and try not to worry so much about it.
                            Image result for cartoon prescription medication                                             
The other interesting fact we found out is ... I was always told that bipolar is a genetic illness and since moving mom in ... well ...It didn't take long to find out which apple fell from which tree!
                               Image result for apple falling from tree cartoon
Especially when mom began to have hallucinations so the doc put her on meds for bipolar and just like that... no more halucinations!
Interesting yet scary at the same time because I am afraid that it is revealing what I am in for with ManChild!
                            Image result for yikes face emoji
                     One day at a time!!!