Thursday, December 27, 2012


Just when you think you have the ManChild figured out...

...for a moment, he puts the "child" away, and let's the MAN come out!

Friday, December 14, 2012


The ManChild screws up.  Then wants forgiveness so he can be released from judgment.  But does he  want to make restitution for his behavior?  NO!  Thus...rendering his words as meaningless.

Just as the communication chart points out:

Words are a mere 7%.  Actions are the other 93%, so saying the words alone is not enough.  RESTITUTION must be made.

If you want to be forgiven so it can be forgotten, then act like an adult and make it RIGHT!!!

                                                 Then all can be forgiven and forgotten!


Ever notice how the Manchild is also very EGOCENTRIC! 

They cannot take correction of any type and if you give them any, they will then go into passive aggressive behavior (like the silent treatment) so they can lick their wounded pride!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A ManChild SIGN

A sign that you may have a ManChild...

Honey my button is loose, can you sew it?


What happens when the ManChild does not own up to his end of the responsibilities?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Don't treat me that way!

If you don't want to be treated like a ManChild ... 

...then don't act like one!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A house divided...

A house divided is not a home.
The manchild has misplaced loyalities and creates a divided home, = disfunction!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Unilateral Decisions

A marriage is like a business.   
However, unlike a business, where there is a boss who gets to make the final decision.  A marriage consists of two bosses; therefore, both must agree on the decision BEFORE it is made.  There can be NO unilateral decisions made in a marriage. 
 Why, you ask?  Because upon doing so, when a unilateral decision is made without the knowledge of the partner and when he or she finds out about it... that is called betrayal! 
Especially when it is a do-as-I-say and not-as-I-do scenario.

Two people can agree to disagree, but that is still an agreement.

 In such a case, try to find a middle negotiated ground.

Why bother???

 The ManChilds comment to me was about the Christmas decorations:

"Why bother, it's just a bunch of work to put up just to take it back down".

I replied, "then why bother eating, you are just gonna poop it out anyways"?

The point being, we do things because it is important.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

ManChild or Infant?

What constitutes the difference between the ManChild or an infant?  The ManChild is a major know-it-all and therefore, loves to jump to all sorts of conclusions BEFORE getting all of the facts!  And the infant is looking for answers.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pants or pajamas?

Me:  You are not wearing those to work are you?
Manchild:  Why not?
Me:  Because those are pajamas!
Manchild:  So.  There comfy and warm.
Me:  So are jeans.
Manchild:  No, mine are skinny jeans and they are to tight.
Me:  So why don't you go out and buy you a real pair of regular fitting jeans?
Manchild:  Cuz I like these, they are warm and comfy.
Me:  They are pajama bottoms!

I give up!  Where is the logic here?

Where's the medicine?

Manchild:  Hey, where is the mucinex?  It's not in my bathroom?
Me:  Did you check the other bathroom?
Manchild:  Looking at me in disbelief cuz he did not think of doing that, then says..."where in the bathroom"?  (I guess he thinks this makes him sound smart).
Me:  In the medicine cabinet.
Manchild:  Oh, yeah, I looked there.  None there either.
Me:  I go and look, then come back with four boxes of it!  Well you must not have looked very hard, I exclaim.
Manchild:  Ugh.  What. Oh, no, I was looking for the stuff in the bottle. 
Me:  What difference does it make if it is in a box or in a bottle?  It's still the same stuff!  urrggghh

Is it just me or does anyone else think the Manchild can't really think for themselves???  Or is it just a game they play to manipulate you to do everything for them because they are just plain lazy???  Perhaps they just enjoy making a fool out everyone to compensate for their own stupidty!

Happy Holidays

Me:  Honey, here is my list of gift ideas you asked for.
ManChild:  Are you sure of the size?  What color did you want?  Where do I get it?  How much is it?  Does it need to be from this store or can I get it somewhere else?  What about this?  What about that?
Me:  Just click on the link that I gave you, and all of the information to ALL of your questions are there.
ManChild:  But what about this?  And what about that?  And after ten other questions...
Me:  Oh just forget it! I will just go and buy it myself and bring it home for you to wrap and put under the tree, how's that?
ManChild:  What wrapping paper do you want?  Any specific color?  Or do you prefer a bag?  Or does it matter?  And what about all that tissue paper, does it have to have all that?  What about a bow and ribbon?
Me:  Okay already...just stop already!  Just forget that too!  I will wrap it myself!!!  Happy Holidays to myself!

Can anyone relate? 

Monday, December 3, 2012


How is it that whatever the ManChild has to say, he feels free to BLURT it out, whenever it pops into his head, even if he interrupts someone already speaking? Does he think what he has to say is superior?

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Communication Table

This says A LOT!  Pay attention ManChild...


Two Minnesota engineers named Sven and Ole were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up. A woman walked by and asked what they were doing.
"We're supposed to find the height of this flagpole, " said Sven, "but we
don't have a ladder."
The woman took a wrench from her purse, loosened a couple of bolts, and
laid the pole down on the ground. Then she took a tape measure from her purse, took a measurement, announced, "Twenty one feet, six inches," and walked away.
Ole shook his head and laughed.. "Ain't that just like a woman! We ask for
the height and she gives us the length!"
Sven and Ole have since quit their engineering jobs and are currently
serving in the United States Senate.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today I know EVERYTHING there is to know about farming, the industry, including how everything works (even the bugs) even though I have never worked on a farm or even been on one.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Doctor appointment cancellation

Me:  Honey, can you call and cancel my doctor appointment today?
ManChild: Sure.
Me:  Off to work.  Once at work, I get a phone call.
ManChild: Yeah honey, did you call to cancel the doctor appointment yet?
Me:  ugh, yes (not trusting him to do it)
ManChild: oh okay, did they give you a hard time? 
Me:  No, why?
ManChild: Oh, cuz I was going to ask you to go ahead and cancel mine for me too! 

What the heck!  I asked him to do it in the first place!!!  LOL