Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Doctor appointment cancellation

Me:  Honey, can you call and cancel my doctor appointment today?
ManChild: Sure.
Me:  Off to work.  Once at work, I get a phone call.
ManChild: Yeah honey, did you call to cancel the doctor appointment yet?
Me:  ugh, yes (not trusting him to do it)
ManChild: oh okay, did they give you a hard time? 
Me:  No, why?
ManChild: Oh, cuz I was going to ask you to go ahead and cancel mine for me too! 

What the heck!  I asked him to do it in the first place!!!  LOL 


  1. Thank you for the inspiration to help me start thinking about how to find humor in the ManChild behaviors rather than being super stressed out. Having said that, once I was told "Fine you win!" when I asked to change the doctor to the current residence rather than near the parents home 2 hours away. I was totally taken and didn't even know how to respond to how I won? lol

  2. Sounds like you are making some head way with the ManChild! You've got to stay strong and stick with what makes sense because they don't always have any :)
