Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where's the medicine?

Manchild:  Hey, where is the mucinex?  It's not in my bathroom?
Me:  Did you check the other bathroom?
Manchild:  Looking at me in disbelief cuz he did not think of doing that, then says..."where in the bathroom"?  (I guess he thinks this makes him sound smart).
Me:  In the medicine cabinet.
Manchild:  Oh, yeah, I looked there.  None there either.
Me:  I go and look, then come back with four boxes of it!  Well you must not have looked very hard, I exclaim.
Manchild:  Ugh.  What. Oh, no, I was looking for the stuff in the bottle. 
Me:  What difference does it make if it is in a box or in a bottle?  It's still the same stuff!  urrggghh

Is it just me or does anyone else think the Manchild can't really think for themselves???  Or is it just a game they play to manipulate you to do everything for them because they are just plain lazy???  Perhaps they just enjoy making a fool out everyone to compensate for their own stupidty!

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