Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Holidays

Me:  Honey, here is my list of gift ideas you asked for.
ManChild:  Are you sure of the size?  What color did you want?  Where do I get it?  How much is it?  Does it need to be from this store or can I get it somewhere else?  What about this?  What about that?
Me:  Just click on the link that I gave you, and all of the information to ALL of your questions are there.
ManChild:  But what about this?  And what about that?  And after ten other questions...
Me:  Oh just forget it! I will just go and buy it myself and bring it home for you to wrap and put under the tree, how's that?
ManChild:  What wrapping paper do you want?  Any specific color?  Or do you prefer a bag?  Or does it matter?  And what about all that tissue paper, does it have to have all that?  What about a bow and ribbon?
Me:  Okay already...just stop already!  Just forget that too!  I will wrap it myself!!!  Happy Holidays to myself!

Can anyone relate? 

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