Wednesday, June 26, 2019


So, I asked manchild to write out his speech for the party before I went shopping.
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I came home 2-hours later. ManChild was watching TV.

Image result for watching tv character

I asked if he got his speech done. He gave me that deer in the headlights look
Image result for deer in the headlights

and acted like he had no idea what I was talking about.
I explain again that he won't have time once family arrives.

Image result for family arriving cartoon

There will be to much to do so don't procrastinate. He says he will get on right now.
I go upstairs to finish working on the program and slide show for the party.

Image result for woman on computer cartoon

I go back downstairs in 15 minutes.
Image result for woman walking downstairs cartoon

ManChild was back to watching TV again!

Image result for watching tv character

I asked again, when are you going to work on it? ManChild says, I just wanted to finish watching this.

I go back upstairs to finish my work and return an hour later.

Image result for woman on computer cartoon

ManChild was still watching TV... another program!

Image result for watching tv character

I give up!

Image result for pulling hair out in frustration cartoon


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