Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Little Red Hen

Going back to a very basic concept of life, I am reminded of the book red to me in kindergarden called "The Little Red Hen". 

This is a story about a little red hen who plows the field, plants the seeds, grows the wheat, harvest the wheat, makes the flour, and bakes the bread.  At each step she would ask a duck, goose, cat and pig for help, yet she got none.  But, when the bread is done, they all wanted to reap the rewards and eat the bread. 

This basic concept is one that the bipolar ManChild can't seem to grasp.  They want to be like the duck, goose, cat and pig.  Lazy, do nothing to help, yet they want to enjoy all the rewards.

I have news for you ManChild -- that is NOT how life works!~  Go back and read the book.

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