Friday, March 15, 2013

The Caregivers Worries

The one thing that I have noticed with a bipolar ManChild, is the main differences with the manic vs depression mood swings.

When the ManChild is depressed, he is pretty much easy going, non-argumentative, laid-back with a k-sir-rah attitude (when taking the proper doses of meds that is).  Otherwise, he would be sleeping most of the time and pretty much non-existing.

But when the ManChild is manic, he becomes a major know-it-all, full of over zealous confidence, argues about everything, you can't have a conversation with them because they never let you finish your sentences because they anticipate what you are going to say (basically they can have a conversation all by themselves!) and just generally very difficult to live with and be around. (Thank God for meds that helps to ease some of this when taken properly).

Conclusion for the caregiver... Turn your worries and concerns into prayers!!!  Because that is basically all you have left!!!

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